Retina ready
Parallax Background Image
Google Fonts
Revolution Slider
Font Awesome Icons
Revolution Slider
The Revolution Slider images can be edited by changing the source attribute of the image tag to the location of the image you would like to use for the slide. For best results use an image that is of good quality resolution and size

Portfolio Labels

The Portfolio Labels can be edited by changing the source attribute of the label tag

Parallax Quote Section

Change the quote place your favorite quote of favorite author

Or if you want to change quote section img it can be edited by searching ]]></b:skin>
tag and chane img source highlighted in below screenshot


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Menu Setting


 <div id="menu">
You Will Find
 <div id="menu">
<a href="#">Home</a>
<a href="#">About</a>
<a href="#">Sponsors</a>
<a href="#">Diary</a>
<a href="#">Listen</a>
<a href="#">Links</a>
<a href="#">Contact</a>
Change With Your Links And Names :)

Image Setting


 <div id="image">

You Will Find
 <div id="image">
<img src="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1002146_373515032771584_967744237_n.jpg">

Change Highlighted link with your link

Top Setting


.top {

and you will find. 

  1. backgroundurl('http://s6.postimg.org/3rcksna75/background.jpg');

 change with your background image..



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Key Features:
Parallax effect
FontAwesome Icons
Unlimited Colors
Smooth Scroll
Vertical Navigation
Easy To Customize
Clean and Organized Coded 

Menu Navigation

     <ul id='main-navigation'>
         <li><a class='active' href='#banner'>Start</a></li>
         <li><a href='#work'>Work</a></li>
         <li><a href='#'>Service</a></li>
         <li><a href='#'>Pricing</a></li>
         <li><a href='#'>Team</a></li>
         <li><a href='#'>Blog</a></li>
  <li><a href='#'>Shortcodes</a></li>
         <li><a href='#contact'>Contact</a></li>
     </ul><!-- END NAVIGATION -->

Social Buttons

    <div class='social-links'>
        <a href='#'><i class='fa fa-twitter'/></a>
        <a href='#'><i class='fa fa-facebook'/></a>
        <a href='#'><i class='fa fa-linkedin'/></a>
    </div><!-- END HEADER SOCIAL ICONS --> 

New Buttons
  Button 1 
 <a class="button scrollto" href="Your Link">Your Title</a>
 Button 2
<a class="button border" href="Your Link">Download Now</a>
Button 3
<a class="small button" href="you link">Download Now</a>


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Key Features
Responsive layout
Retina Ready
16 social icons
Interactive world map
Interactive counter
Subscribe form
PSD files included
Google WEB fonts


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Main Features:
Fullscreen Slider
Latest and Innovative Countdown
Parallax Navigation
Open Sans

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  • Responsive design
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • jQuery Countdown
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Awesomefont Icons
  • Ubuntu Font
  • jQuery TimeCircles (MIT license)


    0 التعليقات:

    Mega Damn Blogger Template is perfect for pictorial related blogs and websites. It has a light color scheme which looks dazzling with images. Damn Lol is one of the most prominent Troll Related website that shares Trolling pictures, Funny images and etc. This theme exactly looks a like Damn LOL. Furthermore, This Theme has all those features which are vital to run a picture based site. We are sure after applying it on your BlogSpot site you would never turn back to your old template


    1. Adapted From WordPress: The Elements used in this theme are adapted from WordPress, so it should provide a professional look to your site. However, dynamically it is would only work on Blogger Platform.

    2. Excellent Page Speed: Since, there is no modern Jquery or JavaScript included on this theme. 

    3. Google AdSense (Ads) Ready: It has multiple areas where we can easily place advertisements of different sizes.

    4. Floating Older/Newer Post Buttons: It also has floating Older/Newer Post buttons that allow users to navigate pages quickly. It also helps in reducing the bounce rate because a user spends a lot time in navigating different pages.

    5. SEO Friendly: Though, this theme is no for TEXT based (Content) website but still we have optimized it for Search engine. Now it’s up to a person whether he should Add Alt Tags to his Images. 
    More Features: 1 Sidebar, Footer, Fixed Width, Dark whitish background, threaded commenting system


    Set One Post on Home Page: To Increase your page views rapidly, we would suggest everyone to display one post on the main page i.e. Homepage. Go To Blogger >> Settings >> Post and Comments >> and Select 1 Post to be displayed on Homepage


    0 التعليقات:

    Flat Zine Blogger Template is a multi-purpose straight Blogger template precisely designed for multimedia, news bulletin, Entertainment and Technology blogs. With elegant green color scheme, FlatZine gives you visitors the experience of their life as they go though the responsive and flexible design. It has a lot of useful and key widgets, which come which are ready-to-use from the time this template is installed on your blog. Following are the few key features we have incorporated in this blogger theme


    1. Breadcrumbs: The most amazing widget we have in this template is Breadcrumbs for humans. It has nothing to do with SEO. The breadcrumbs would only display parent categories of the article so users can easily search your site in depth.

    2. SEO Optimized: We have applied all of our SEO Techniques in this template which helps you in attaining lots of organic traffic.

    3. Header with 728x90 Ad : In this theme, we divide the header so that you can place 728x90 ad unit beside the header which helps you in earning a lot of money because header is th best place where all users leave impressions.

    4. Author Bio Widget: The next new thing, which we have added in the template, is the “Author Bio” widget that appears in each and every post. Anyone can customize it, according to their needs. Keep in mind it is not for multiple authors.

    5. Featured Label Posts: Just like our previous themes, we have also added a featured post display in this theme, which gives a user the flexibility to easily display posts through a certain Label on home and archive pages. To learn how to install this feature, kindly check the guidance below. 
    More Features: Back to Top button, 4 columns Footer, 3 columns Template, Threaded commenting system, related posts, Ads ready, SEO Friendly and much more

    0 التعليقات:

    BTech is an efficient and magnificent template for blogger users. This theme is designed with such practices that your users would think twice whether it is a Blogger Template, or not because it has all the elements just like WordPress Themes. This template is ideal for those websites which running a Gadget niche blog including multimedia, technology and etc. The color combination of White, Lime blue, and gray makes this theme adorable.  It is a crystal clear theme with some robust features few of them are listed below


    1. Ads Ready Header: It has a shiny and fashionable lime blue header bar that consists of a Small LOGO on the left side and a 728x60 ads space on right side. Along it, there is a navigation menu below the header

    2. SEO-Friendly: We have also connected an SEO Plugin in this template, which would surely help you to increase your organic traffic in quick succession. This plugin is sponsored by MyBloggerBuzz.com. 

    3. Social Sharing Buttons: We have also added some social sharing buttons so that your users can easily share your content on their favorite social networking platform. Social buttons appears just after every article so that your readers can share your post after fully reading it. 

    4. Breadcrumbs Navigation: Breadcrumbs navigation makes a great impression on your readers by easier their way to navigate your blog and identify where they are landing on your blog.

    More Features: Author Bio, Web 2.0, Magazine Style, lime blue and white color Scheme, threaded commenting system, custom label wrapper, Three Column’s footer, and much more

    Special Thanks to +Muhammad Abdul Basit for this amazing template


    0 التعليقات:

    UniQueen Blogger Template is fully responsive theme that comes with features that are never seen before in a BlogSpot blogger template. It has a unique fluid design concept with robust elements, which make it a complete package of theme that could be converted into any niche site or blog. It is a 3 column template that can be customized into a portfolio, magazine, personal blog, products, list based sites and etc. It is optimized for both on-page and off-page SEO that gives enough flexibility to rank your post higher in the search engine results, and allows to index your posts 99% faster than the rest of the Blogger templates available on the internet


  • 100% Pure Responsive: Honestly speaking this is the only 100% responsive blogger template available on the internet. Though, we have published more than 10 Responsive templates, but this is certainly the best out of them all. It supports all devices like iPad, iPhone, Android, Desktop, and Laptop.
  • Mega Drop Down Menu: A Mashable inspired mega drop down menu is something that every blogger adores to have in his template. It is responsive and extremely flexible to use.
  • Featured Label Area: It further allows to add Feature posts in the right sidebar of your template allowing more engagement to your featured posts. It is easily customizable and works on jQuery, so it is amazingly fast and reliable to use.
  • Related Articles : This template includes pre-installed related posts that displays the related posts below the end of the post. It helps you in decreasing bounce rate.
  • More Features: 4 columns Footer, Elegant color scheme, Professional design,  Tabbed sidebar widget, Ads-Ready and much more


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