Website visit counters are third party plugins used to count the number of visitors periodically visiting your site. You can also install these plugins in your site/blog for your viewers to let them see the total number of visits your site have received yet. I know it may sound useless for some but believe me it's a good habit for baby born sites, which wants their name or brand name to get recognized among the peoples, because a name or brand name is recognized after analysing it's performance. So by displaying your performance to your visitors you will earn a respect in their heart for you and your brand name.
So keeping that fact in our mind we have made a collection of 10 best site visits counters plugins. So whenever you feel a need of this plugin for your site you don;t have to search in vain, just land on our site and select the suitable plugin for your site/blog.
So keeping that fact in our mind we have made a collection of 10 best site visits counters plugins. So whenever you feel a need of this plugin for your site you don;t have to search in vain, just land on our site and select the suitable plugin for your site/blog.
1.Alexa Widget
Alexa is the company which takes care of your brand name and your traffic. I recommend to use this widget as site visits counter as it has a large impact among all the websites and blogs. A blog with good alexa rank is considered as the hit site. So to get your brand name recongnized use alexa.
Statcounter a web analysing firm, also provides site visits plugin/widget. This can be used as a alternative to alexa. You will need to sign-up before installing this widget in your site or blog.
Histats tracks the usage and visits of your sites/blog. It is a better alternative to alexa widget. Sign-up for free and use this widget/plugin in your site as site visit counter.
WhosAmungUs is a little plugin which keeps complete track of your site's traffic. It displays the actual figure of number of visitors parking on your site. You don't need to signup to install this widget.
Flagcounter displays the number of visitors with a list of their respective countries. This widget is free to use.
GoStats is another site traffic analyser in this list. It's providing it's service with web analytics since 1999. You need to sign up before installing this widget.
Sitemeter is another great site's traffic counter, but you need to sign up to get the widget.
SuperCounter is the widget is the simple site visit counter widget. This widget is free to use. Simply get the widget code and use it in your site/blog.
Hit-Counts is the simplest site visit counter widget. You'll need to register yourself to use this widget.
easyCounter is just like hit-counts, so to use this widget also you'll have to register first
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