

About Theme

Theme Name : Enpine Blog
Platform : Blogger/Blogspot
Author :
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Enpine Blog is professional magazine style blogger template loaded with lot of features. It has been carved out with great care and this is the reason why it attracts your eyes at first sight only. Along with fluid width, sticky header, the arrangement of posts based on size of image is one of it's own kind. Not only design but also SEO factor has been taken care of which helps your sites to get indexed faster than other blogger templates on different Websites

Theme Features

Magazine Style Template
Enpine Blog is a professional magazine style blogger template. You can also use it for portfolio or as a personal magazine.
Browser Support
Enpine Blog works fine with all the modern browsers. Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox etc.
Drag & Drop Layout
Use drag and drop feature of the template to customize the widgets and add or remove the widgtes as per your need.
Fluid Width
Enpine Blog resizes itself and works well in tablets and phablets. It's designed specifically for mobile devices with focus on contents only.
Sticky Header
Top header is made fixed to the top making the navigation much easy. 
Professional Author Box Below Each Posts
Below each posts a author box like that of wordpress appears. Speciality of this author box is you don't need to edit it manually because it's linked with your Google+ account. [Note : To edit about description of author box edit the about page of your Google+ account]

Guide For Geeks

Guide #1 Customize Menubar
Before proceeding download this blogger template and install it successfully on your blog. After installation open Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Html Editor and search the section given below and change the # with url of your blog.

<nav class='default site-navigation' id='site-navigation' role='navigation'>
<div class='menu-main-container'>
<ul class='menu' id='menu-main'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Business</a>

Guide #2 Customize Footer Menu
Scroll down to the bottom of this template and search for below given codes and replace the # with url of your blog.

<div class='footer-menu'>
<li><a href='#'>Homepage</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>About Us</a></li>


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