


About Theme

Theme Name : Intouch 
Platform : Blogger/blogspot
Author :
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

InTouch is a professional blogger template, specifically created for magazine style blogger sites. It will work perfect for them who need a responsive style template and a auto resizable theme. You won't need to add any extra features in this theme. It already comes loaded with lot of features and widgets in it. All you need to do is simply download this theme and use it in your blogger site.

Theme Features

Multipurpose Style Template
Intouch is a multipurpose blogger template suitable to magazine style, news style and personal blog style sites.
Responsive Style
Intouch blogger template auto resizes it's body according to the width of device screen size.
Retina Ready
Intouch is retina ready, every element in the template is sharp and have optimum resolution in all devices.
Drag & Drop Layout
You can easily customize this template suing drag and drop feature.
Custom Widgets
Template comes loaded with awesome custom widgets.
Powered by jQuery and CSS3
Intouch get's it's dynamic feel and look from javascripts and CSS3

Guide For Geeks

Guide #1 Customize Header Social Icon
Before customization download this blogger template and install it successfully in your blog. After installation open Blogger dashboard >> Template >> Html Editor and then search for following piece of code. Replace the # with url of your fanpage sites and save the template.

<div class='no-translatez' id='social-icons-block'>
<a href='#' target='_blank' title='Google+'><i class='icon-google-plus ct-transition'/></a>

Guide #2 Customize Menubar

Scroll down to the Html editor and search for the below given section. After finding the codes replace # with url of your blog

<div class='nav-menu'>
<div class='ct-wrapper'>
<!-- Main Menu -->
<nav class='navigation clearfix' role='navigation'>
<div class='menu-main-menu-container'>
<ul class='sf-menu sf-js-enabled sf-arrows' id='menu-main-menu'>
<li class='red' id='menu-item-14'>
<a class='sf-with-ul' href='#'>Home</a>





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